It doesn’t matter if you are a new homeowner desiring to take care of the trees in your yard on your own or a tree care professional creating a to-do list, this article provides you with the advice that you need to care for your trees in spring.

Spring is the ideal time to begin giving your trees some extra love and affection. Since they have been asleep for a few months and have had moisture and debris piled on them. So it is crucial that your trees are taken care of as soon as possible.

There are a couple of steps that you should first take with your trees once they have awakened after their cold month hibernation. Below are a few tips to make sure your trees flourish over the next couple of weeks. 



The first step entails cleaning the tree and the nearby areas. With the rain, dead leaves, snow, and winter coverings, it might look like an overwhelming job. 

To begin, be sure to take away any holiday decor from the limbs and trunks. When lights are draped around the branches or body of your tree, it can halt and stop the growth of your trees over a long period of time.

Also, it is vital to be sure that you properly weed around your trees. This is the simplest time to get this done in your spring tree care project.Orchard Park Tree Caring For Your Trees In Spring



When the whole area around your tree is cleaned, the next step is mulching.

When applying mulch, be sure to give the trunk a layer that is around three or four inches thick. Your goal is to create a solid protective layer.



To make sure that your tree doesn’t dry out as the weather becomes warmer, be sure to give it a proper watering in the springtime. 

Based on the age of your tree is, the watering process will differ. When trees are over a few years old, be sure not to water them next to or right on the trunk. The roots of the tree will grow much further than that. Watering them in a broader circle around the trunk will keep it in good health and safeguarded from disease.

If your trees need pruning or you are interested in tree removal services, call us today at Orchard Park Tree Services!