Diseases created by fungus on trees include sap rot, root rot, heart rot, oak wilt, or butt rot. They can be deadly to trees, messing with their structural integrity and killing them, typically from the inside out. Besides the safety issue this brings when the tree becomes weak, tree fungi doesn’t carry to humans.


Have No Fear

Trees might get numerous types of fungal infections. Even though a couple of fungi may affect both plants and humans, these are rare. Fungi typically take advantage of damaged hosts but will not attack healthy people or plants. Veggies and fruits usually transmit the fungus.

Orchard Park Tree What Is Fungus On Trees

Tree trunk covered with fungus


Fungus on a Tree

You might not be able to identify all the hundreds of sorts of plant fungus. However, trees display clear signs that denote which types of fungus might be infecting them. For instance, root rots often produce wetness near the soil line. Rots that affect the sapwood or heartwood usually form fruiting along the limbs or trunk. Wilts produce drooping and leaf discoloration. Fungus on a tree is usually curable.


Weakened Wood

The vast effect a tree’s fungal infection will probably have on the surrounding environment is deteriorated wood in the tree. When trees have weak branches, the joints get less stable. Crotches might not be able to hold the weight of limbs, particularly the extra pull from the ones that go out to the side, raising the pressure at the joint. Hire a tree care specialist from Orchard Park Tree Services if you need the branches to be pruned.


Protecting Your Tree

Only prune when the time is right for your tree. For instance, numerous deciduous trees must be pruned in early spring or late winter. Pruning right before they start to grow again reduces the amount of time, they will have wounds in which fungal spores can go through. Some trees, though, can be pruned any time of the year.