Hardwoods are trees classified as plants or angiosperms with ovules encased for shelter in an ovary. When properly watered on good fertile ground or nourished in the landscape with a good tree fertilizer, these ovules will quickly convert into seeds. The seeds then fall from trees as pods, nuts, acorns, drupes, and samaras.

What Defines a Tree as a Hardwood Tree?

Hardwoods have either compound or simple leaves. Simple leaves can be divided additionally into unlobed and lobed. Unlobed leaves could have a smooth edge or a serrated one.

The most common tree in North America is the red alder. It has a reddish-brown bark and oval-shaped leaves. They can flourish up to 100 feet and are seen frequently in western US and Canada.

Orchard Park Tree What is Hardwood Tree Red Alder

A Red Alder twig (Alnus rubra)

Difference Between Hardwood and Broadleaf

Broadleaf trees can be evergreen, or they can continue to drop their leaves during the wintertime. Lots of the trees are deciduous and lose their leaves over a small yearly fall drop. These leaves can be either single blades, or they can be mix with leaflets linked to a leaf stem. Although varying in shape, all hardwood leaves have a distinctive network of fine veins.

Here is a leaf identification key of the native hardwoods in North America. If you want more information, reach out to an Orchard Park tree contractor.

Hardwood: Trees with flat, broad leaves as opposed to needled or coniferous trees. Wood hardness differs among the hardwood species. Some are softer than some softwoods. Deciduous Perennial plants are usually leafless for some time during the year.

Broadleaf is a tree with leaves that are flat, broad, and typically shed yearly.

Most Common Hardwoods

Unlike the softwood or conifers firs, spruce and pines, hardwood trees have grown into a vast assortment of well-known species. The most famous species in North America are maple, cherry, beech, birch, oaks, and birch.

Forests, where a considerable number of trees drop leaves at the end of the usual growing season, are referred to as deciduous forests. These forests are located all around the globe and are situated in either tropical or temperate ecosystems.

Deciduous trees, including elms, oaks, and maples shed their leaves in the fall and sprout new ones every spring.