Everyone who lives close to oak trees has seen the little balls dangling on the tree branches. Many still might ask, “What are oak galls?” Oak apple galls appear like round, small fruit. Though, they’re plant defects made by oak apple gall wasps. The galls typically don’t hurt the oak tree. If you would like to learn how to eliminate oak galls, keep reading for treatment for oak apple gall.


Info on Oak Apple Gall

Oak apple galls live in oak trees, usually red, black, and scarlet oak trees. Their name comes from the idea that they look like little, round, apples hanging on the trees.

Oak apple gall data states that galls are made when a female oak apple gall lays eggs in the predominant vein on an oak leaf, when the larvae hatch, hormone and chemical interaction between the oak and the wasp eggs causes the tree to develop the round gall.

Galls are crucial to producing oak apple gall wasps. The gall offers a safe space and food for the young wasps. Every gall has only one young wasp. If the gall you see is green with brown spots, they are still developing. At this point, the galls feel a bit rubbery. The galls grow more significant as the larvae grow. When the gall dries out, the oak apple gall wasps leave the little holes in the galls.

Orchard Park Tree Treatment for Oak Apple Gall

Oak Apple Gall Treatment

Numerous homeowners think that the galls destroy the oak trees. If you believe this, you’ll want to understand how to get rid of oak galls. Oak trees indeed look peculiar after their leaves drop and the branches are dangling with galls. Though, oak apple galls don’t hurt a tree. At the worst, a serious 

plague could make the leaves fall prematurely.

If you want to know how to eliminate oak gall wasps, you can free the tree of oak apple galls by cutting them off with a pair of sterilized pruners before they are dry. You can also hire a certified arborist (who is skilled and trained in tree pruning) to do the work for you.