Trees reduce erosion because of their foliage and root systems. Tree roots start as large stems that branch into fine filaments to make a system of flexible tendrils that aid in stabilizing the soil around the tree and keeping it in place. The branches and leaves of trees make a flexible screen that lessens the force of wind and rain in the surrounding places. You can enrich the beneficial impact of trees by planting trees to help with soil erosion.

Orchard Park Tree Care Planting Trees to Help with Soil Erosion

Planting a tree on a slope

Causes of Erosion

Rain and wind are two of the critical forces that wear down bare soil. Drops of rainwater get momentum as they drop which gives enough power to move specks of dirt when they get to the ground. Rain caught on the surface of the soil can transport loose soil particles using gravity. This issue is exacerbated in places with bare soil since the soil is visible to rain and the full force of the wind. Bare spots open to the elements strong winds can lose significant amounts of the earth if the ground is dry and there aren’t any roots nearby to keep the soil in place.

How The Roots Help

The roots of numerous trees have parts that branch out into many smaller roots. The root systems of several trees go out into the surrounding soil way pass their branches. These roots keep the soil in place and enhance the drainage of the soil. The roots stop soil compaction and aid water in soaking into the ground instead of flowing all over the surface. Tree roots have a habit of growing more larger and more spread out than other foliage and offer better resistance to erosion on hills than small plants and grasses.

Tree Choice

Newly planted trees have to grow for many years before they will be big enough to affect erosion. An ideal solution for stopping erosion while the new tree is growing is to let cover crops or grasses grow underneath the tree, this will provide soil protection until the roots have a chance to grow deeper.

Trees with extensive root systems that seek water determinedly help keep soil in its place, raise the water amount that can get into the ground and help stop the soil from getting saturated for long periods. An arborist can assist you by recommending which trees to plant to help with soil erosion.