A vital and often ignored factor influencing the health of your shrubs and trees is soil. As a matter of fact, you should work hard to improve the soil around your tree as it is the smartest thing you can do to help your tree grow.
Helping My Soil
Soil isn’t just dirt. Soil is a bionetwork where hundreds of various organisms habitat together, often rivaling and assisting each other to live longer. Animals, bacteria, plants, and fungi all have created a long-lasting relationship with one another. They depend on the advantages of these relationships during hard times.
Soil also includes enormous amounts of mineral compounds. The makeup of these elements differs significantly from region to region which is one reason why some plants thrive in certain places while others swiftly perish.
The tree in your yard didn’t develop to grow in a yard in a residential property. It originated in a forest with all the other plants in the ecosystem. The soil of a tree’s native environment has the correct mixture of minerals and the right composition of living things to allow the tree to flourish.
When a tree is put in an urban setting, the soil is consistently insufficient for ultimate growth. It needs specific minerals, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and mycorrhizal fungi. Moreover, most urban soils are polluted and poorly compacted.
Improving My Soil
There are steps you can perform to guarantee your plants get the necessary soil. The first thing to do is frequent fertilization. The second step is adding mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhizae develop when mycorrhizal fungi corrupt newly growing non-woody roots.
Since mycorrhizal fungi reside around a plant’s living root system, they essentially extend the root system deep down into the soil, letting a plant obtain much-needed nutrients. These organisms are a crucial link in a plant’s nutrient cycle.
Almost every tree in an urban community will benefit from mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, but various tree types need many fungi.
The Soil Your Tree Needs
As a homeowner, the best impact you can make to your tree’s wellness is by adding mycorrhizal fungi to the soil. If you are not comfortable performing this task, reach out to an Orchard Park arborist to do it for you.
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