Bugs and trees don’t get along. Easy as that, eh? When it comes to ants prowling around your trees’ stems and roots, things aren’t so crystal clear. Some ants aren’t a problem – some helo in helping to take better care of our trees. Then there are those that want to harm your trees. How can you tell the difference? Keep reading to answer the question, “I found ants on my tree, are they harmful?”
Ants on trees, bad or good?
Ants are attracted to trees for a couple of reasons. They’re looking for honeydew left behind by other bugs. Or, they’re making a home inside trees with rotten wood or cavities.
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are the ones that may be a danger to trees. Unlike other well-known species, like the Argentine ant, when carpenter ants are found on trees, it may be a sign that your tree is agonizing from internal decay. These ants get into a tree in spots where decay is observed. In nature, carpenter ants aid wood in quickly break down. In your outdoor space, however, they are a problem. Very huge, black ants or small ants that are multi-colored with patterns of black and red or black and yellow should be closely monitored on trees.
Ant Control
Trees with ant infestations must be trimmed back so that no area of their canopy touches another plant or structure that ants can use to get access by another way other than the trunk. Wrapping the tree with a paper tree band around four feet over the ground and putting a two-inch-wide sticky barricade to the band stop ants from getting access into the tree. Ants that are nest on the ground can then be lured with sweet ant baits that contain borate. If you keep the bait stations full, you should see a massive drop in the ant population in about a week.
Typically, ants don’t harm a tree. Instead, they offer a warning sign that your tree is in jeopardy which can aid you in getting treatment for it. Consider consulting with a tree care specialist who and inspect your tree and offer suggestions on what will help the health of the tree.
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