Spruce spider mites grow during the cooler temperatures in fall and spring. To treat spruce spider mites, keep reading this article.


Symptoms of Spruce Spider Mites

  • Spruce spider mites usually cause stippling damage on leaves as they feed.
  • Large infestations can form a rust or bronze color on conifers.
  • Damaged needles could fall prematurely. Branch and twig dieback could happen.
  • Fine webbing is typically seen between twigs, joints, and petioles.
  • Spruce spider mites are green when smashed.
  • Wave a branch over white paper to test for mites.


Tree Species That can be Infected

They span in color from orange-red to green and attack over 35 species of conifers such as:

  • Hemlock
  • Arborvitae
  • Fir
  • Juniper
  • Spruce, particularly dwarf Alberta spruce


How do Spruce Spider Mites Affect Trees

Spruce spider mites eat the sap from tree needles. Yellowing and flecking could happen close to the feeding sites. Intense feeding could create premature needle drop and browning. Cast skins and silk webbing from earlier molts could mean rising infestation. Severe feeding could create premature needle drop and browning. A continuous infestation can result in dying branches, and possibly the tree is dying.  


Solutions and Treatment

Orchard Park Tree How to Treat Spruce Spider Mites

Mites will suck a leaf dry

You can help to stop the spruce spider mite populating in the fall and diminish the number of eggs that develop in the winter. Proper treatments include dormant oil or miticides.  Horticultural oil might be harmful to some plants like the Colorado blue spruce and the dwarf Alberta spruce so that an alternative therapy could be needed.


Cultural Practices

Watering:  Sufficient water is a chief factor in sustaining healthy trees. A deep and slow watering once every couple of weeks in dry conditions will help support soil moisture levels and lessen the stress that lures spruce spider mites.

Mulching:  Mulch is precious for all trees. It diminishes competition with turf and regulates moisture levels and soil temperature. Adding three inches of shredded bark or wood chips under the drip line might have an excellent effect by keeping in moisture and encouraging healthy fibrous roots.

Don’t let spruce spider mites destroy your trees. Contact your local arborist to get top-quality treatment for your outdoor space.