Homeowners must learn how to kill poison ivy. You should take action immediately if you see vine-looking plants with pointy leaves.

For example, weeds are a big headache. No doubt you have spent numerous hours picking weeds out of your yard. But nothing compares to dealing with poison ivy. Read on to learn some new ways of getting rid of poison ivy. 

How to Kill Poison Ivy: Chemicals

When there’s poison ivy growing in a landscape, most folks get some top-quality store-bought herbicide. Before purchasing, be sure that the product contains triclopyr or glyphosate. Both chemicals kill most other plants besides poison ivy. Orchard Park Tree How To Kill Poison Ivy

You might want to use an alternative method based on whether or not the poison ivy puts plant material you wish to keep alive in jeopardy. Make sure to follow the product directions. Fill a spray bottle with the herbicide and put it right on the leaves of the poison ivy. 

An herbicide is an intoxicating stuff, so be careful where you’re spraying. Once you’ve done treating the space, watch it on and off for the next couple of weeks, reapplying if the poison ivy comes back.


If you stay away from commercial herbicides because of the chemicals they contain, try using an organic product. 

But you can’t just sprinkle it around. First, make a solution by combining three pounds of salt, a gallon of water, and a quarter-cup of dish soap. 

Pour the homemade herbicide into a spray bottle and spray right on the leaves of the poison ivy. Inspect periodically and keep reapplying the solution until the poison ivy is no more. Be cautious not to spray nearby plants.

Get Physical

If you have a long-sleeve shirt and a good pair of work gloves, resolving your issue can be as easy as using a trowel to dig up the poison ivy. To eliminate all the roots, be sure to unearth every plant to a depth of around eight inches.

Regardless of the technique you pick, getting rid of poison ivy necessitates tenacity and patience. If you need help killing the poison ivy in your landscape, contact Orchard Park Tree Service.