After you have decided that the tree needs to be gone, you’re ready to fell the tree. Your tool of choice will be contingent on the size of the tree. You can use a hand saw for smaller trees and a chainsaw for bigger ones. If you are uncomfortable using a chainsaw, be sure to call a professional tree service technician who is.

Remember that tree removal is a time-consuming affair. Plan to spend the better part of the day doing the job. Hurrying can cause serious harm when using tools that you aren’t comfortable and familiar with. Below are the steps on how to cut and fell a tree.

Step-by-Step to Fell a Tree

An undercut works as the guide or aim cut for the tree. It is a V-shaped notch sliced into the side of the tree in the direction you want the tree to fall. The recommended V-shape is a 90-degree cut instead of the usual 45-degree cut. The 90-degree cut lets the tree have more room to drop before the bottom and top of the undercut comes together.

A backcut is made about two inches on the opposite side and higher than the hinge part of undercut. This backcut frees the stresses on the back of the tree letting the tree fall.Orchard Park Tree How To Cut & Fell A Tree Yourself

Don’t ever put the backcut beneath the undercut. That changes the purpose of the two cuts. Also, don’t ever slice through the undercut. You then will lose all control of the tree. The backcuts and undercuts control the direction the tree falls.

Once the tree begins to fall, cut off your chainsaw and move away from the tree. This isn’t the time to standby and admire your work. Falling trees can bounce over the stump.

It is time for limbing. This is when you remove branches at the bottom of the tree, working your way to the top. If you are on a slope or hillside, don’t ever stand on the downside of the fallen tree. You could chop a branch that’s holding the tree log which can roll and trap you.

You now have a bare log.  If you want to turn the log into firewood, chop it into proper sizes (around 24 inches). Don’t run the chainsaw into the ground by slicing through the wood and then turning the log over to complete the job. Lastly, the limbs are cut into a size appropriate for bundling and disposing of.