Your ornamental plant is down to the ground. You’ve used soap and deer repellents, but nothing stops the deer from snacking on the leaves on your ground cover. Without any leaves, ground covers can’t control the weeds. The long-term solution is to plant a deer resistant ground cover.
Ground covers are some of the most practical plants in the landscape designer’s palette. These covers offer the most bang for the buck by taking possession of big spaces with plantings of affordable, little plugs. There are numerous options for even hard-to-plant areas, such as dry slopes and thick shade spots.
Planting a Deer Resistant Ground Cover
Generally, ground cover plants deer leave alone have thorny stems, poisonous leaves, hairy leaves, and pungent aromas. Deer enjoy vegetation, buds, and young leaves.
Ground Covers Deer Won’t Eat
Lily-of-the-Valley: The tiny bell-shaped flowers are a wedding favorite. Beautiful emerald green leaves flourish in the springtime and last until frost to create a thick cluster of foliage. These plants are ideal for deep shade spots and under trees.
Sweet Woodruff: This perennial herb is famous for its mat-forming development habits. Sweet woodruff is a woodland plant that is an excellent groundcover to keep away deer. This plant produces delicate white flowers in the springtime.
Wild Ginger: The heart-shaped leaves of this woodland plant are deer resistant. The roots have the aroma of ginger.
Easy to Maintain Deer-Proof Groundcovers
Japanese Sedge: The Japanese sedge has long bladed leaves like grass. This plant is the one to place around landscape water features. Japanese sedges are simple to maintain ground covers.
Lady’s Mantle: This alluring herbaceous perennial has round leaves with scalloped borders. The yellow flowers last many weeks, and the Lady’s mantle can thrive in full sun, though leaf scorching could happen.
Creeping Thyme: This edible herb is well-known for the blanket of color its blooms create. Simple to upkeep, creeping thyme possesses a robust scent that makes it the ideal deer-proof ground cover.
No plant is 100% deer resistant. When times get complicated, and food sources decrease, your deer-proof ground covers could serve as a meal. Using commercial deer repellents might offer ample protection to ground covers to stop deer.
Call Orchard Park Tree Service if you need more information on how to keep the deer away.
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